/* this bar is only rendering how i want it too in some browsers, i've messed something up :-( intending to fix asap which means when i get round to it, sry - imma */


it's, oh, so quiet

eek, another post & after only a month
*sigh* i never could get round to writing anything

today's been a fairly average day, apart from *gasp* working outside my normal hours
'tis strange being in an empty building with the only the hum of 'puters, though at least it's not silent
silence tends to make me paranoid when noone else is around *looks around nervously*

i can has lolcat bible to read :)

oh well, hopefully be off home soon *grins*


  1. You should write more often. Even if it's only to post a random link or pic. Blogs can be random after all. Just summarise the cool stuff you've found.

    Or whinge about how unfair life is. That's what I do after all. :)

  2. yay, i guess i should :)
    posting random pics & links, i think i could get into that
    writing more is just too tough


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