/* this bar is only rendering how i want it too in some browsers, i've messed something up :-( intending to fix asap which means when i get round to it, sry - imma */



Ok, so i got randomly depressed for a bit there ...

It didn't last long, though i'm not sure exactly what caused it - seems to have been a lot of bit of reality hitting me in the face at once & a momentary failure of my 'it'll be alright' field.
The generators seem to be working again, though. I just need to get round to stuff instead of putting it off, that seems to be a major factor.

'my confusion will save me' - me, getting confusion confused with sheer luck


  1. Yay! New post!


    Glad you're feeling better. :)

  2. thanks
    I have now booked Wednesday *and* Friday off to try to de-stress more(/cheer up) as I've been meaning to take a break for some time & haven't been getting around to it.


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