/* this bar is only rendering how i want it too in some browsers, i've messed something up :-( intending to fix asap which means when i get round to it, sry - imma */


Reader Replacement replacement replace place pl ..

So my feed reader closed down due to insufficient use (Google Reader) and i found a replacement one and imported my feeds (theOldReader - a similar ui experience), however ... due to too many people moving across for them to cope with (blog.theoldreader.com/.../desperate-times...) they're unable to cope and have to restrict signups and revert to pre-google-reader-closing levels

This means i(and presumably many others)'m looking for a replacement-replacement rss reader (even if they keep my account, as allowing new, free signups is a feature I want from my reader (for the community potential), though following external content is much more important to me) ... hopefully this won't cause a cascade effect where one after another of the options collapse

Also i need to work on my sentence structures, little-sry

1 comment:

  1. Liking _inoreader_ the most, currently

    _Feedly_ still looking reasonable
    _MultiPLX_ looking the most exciting to try


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